John Wells Pratt House Museum

The Pratt House,which is the home of Friends of History in Fulton, was constructed of brick in 1861, in the formal Italianate style, by John Wells Pratt and his wife Harriet in a prominent location on what was the leading residential street in the then village of Fulton. The John Wells Pratt House was placed on the National and State Register of Historic places in the year 2000. The Pratt House has many architectural features that are sure to impress the visitors. The kitchen has been restored to show how the family lived in 1861. The upstairs has many permanent exhibits including local industries, sports, education, and transportation. The Friends of History provide four educational meetings each year which promote different aspects of local history. A feature of the summer is the Hunter Arms Homecoming Weekend. This weekend brings people from all over the United States and features a shoot for owners of an L.C. Smith gun.
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